Implementation Notes
CernVM-FS has a modular structure and relies on several open source libraries. Figure below shows the internal building blocks of CernVM-FS. Most of these libraries are shipped with the CernVM-FS sources and are linked statically in order to facilitate debugging and to keep the system dependencies minimal.
File Catalog
A CernVM-FS repository is defined by its file catalog. The file catalog is a SQLite database [Allen10] having a single table that lists files and directories together with its metadata. The table layout is shown in the table below:
Field |
Type |
Path MD5 |
128Bit Integer |
Parent Path MD5 |
128Bit Integer |
Hardlinks |
Integer |
Content Hash |
Size |
Integer |
Mode |
Integer |
Last Modified |
Timestamp |
Flags |
Integer |
Name |
String |
Symlink |
String |
uid |
Integer |
gid |
Integer |
xattr |
In order to save space we do not store absolute paths. Instead, we
store MD5 [Rivest92], [Turner11] hash values of the absolute path
names. Symbolic links are kept in the catalog. Symbolic links may
contain environment variables in the form $(VAR_NAME)
that will be dynamically resolved by
CernVM-FS on access. Hard links are emulated by CernVM-FS. The hard link
count is stored in the lower 32 bits of the hard links field, and a hard link
group is stored in the higher 32 bits. If the hard link group is
greater than zero, all files with the same hard link group will get the
same inode issued by the CernVM-FS Fuse client. The emulated hard links
work within the same directory, only. The cryptographic content hash
refers to the zlib-compressed [Deutsch96] version of the file. Flags
indicate the type of directory entry (see table below).
Extended attributes are either NULL or stored as a BLOB of key-value pairs. It starts with 8 bytes for the data structure’s version (currently 1) followed by 8 bytes for the number of extended attributes. This is followed by the list of pairs, which start with two 8 byte values for the length of the key/value followed by the concatenated strings of the key and the value.
Flags |
Meaning |
1 |
Directory |
2 |
Transition point to a nested catalog |
33 |
Root directory of a nested catalog |
4 |
Regular file |
8 |
Symbolic link |
68 |
Chunked file |
132 |
External file (stored under path name) |
As of bit 8, the flags store the cryptographic content hash algorithm used to process the given file. Bit 11 is 1 if the file is stored uncompressed.
A file catalog contains a time to live (TTL), stored in seconds. The catalog TTL advises clients to check for a new version of the catalog, when expired. Checking for a new catalog version takes place with the first file system operation on a CernVM-FS volume after the TTL has expired. The default TTL is 4 minutes. If a new catalog is available, CernVM-FS delays the loading for the period of the CernVM-FS kernel cache lifetime (default: 1 minute). During this drain-out period, the kernel caching is turned off. The first file system operation on a CernVM-FS volume after that additional delay will apply a new file catalog and kernel caching is turned back on.
Content Hashes
CernVM-FS can use SHA-1 [Jones01], RIPEMD-160 [Dobbertin96] and SHAKE-128 [Bertoni09] as cryptographic hash function. The hash function can be changed on the Stratum 0 during the lifetime of repositories. On a change, new and updated files will use the new cryptographic hash while existing files remain unchanged. This is transparent to the clients since the hash function is stored in the flags field of file catalogs for each and every file. The default hash function is SHA-1. New software versions might introduce support for further cryptographic hash functions.
Nested Catalogs
In order to keep catalog sizes reasonable 1, repository subtrees may be cut and stored as separate nested catalogs. There is no limit on the level of nesting. A reasonable approach is to store separate software versions as separate nested catalogs. The figure below shows the simplified directory structure which we use for the ATLAS repository.
Directory structure used for the ATLAS repository (simplified).
When a subtree is moved into a nested catalog, its entry directory serves as transition point for nested catalogs. This directory appears as empty directory in the parent catalog with flags set to 2. The same path appears as root-directory in the nested catalog with flags set to 33. Because the MD5 hash values refer to full absolute paths, nested catalogs store the root path prefix. This prefix is prepended transparently by CernVM-FS. The cryptographic hash of nested catalogs is stored in the parent catalog. Therefore, the root catalog fully defines an entire repository.
Loading of nested catalogs happens on demand by CernVM-FS on the first
attempt to access of anything inside, a user won’t see the difference
between a single large catalog and several nested catalogs. While this
usually avoids unnecessary catalogs to be loaded, recursive operations
like find
can easily bypass this optimization.
Catalog Statistics
A CernVM-FS file catalog maintains several counters about its contents
and the contents of all of its nested catalogs. The idea is that the
catalogs know how many entries there are in their sub catalogs even
without opening them. This way, one can immediately tell how many
entries, for instance, the entire ATLAS repository has. Some
numbers are shown using the number of inodes in statvfs
. So
df -i
shows the overall number of entries in the repository and (as
number of used inodes) the number of entries of currently loaded
catalogs. Nested catalogs create an additional entry (the transition
directory is stored in both the parent and the child catalog). File
hard links are still individual entries (inodes) in the cvmfs catalogs.
The following counters are maintained for both a catalog itself and for
the subtree this catalog is root of:
Number of regular files
Number of symbolic links
Number of directories
Number of nested catalogs
Number of external files
Number of chunked files
Number of individual file chunks
Overall file content size
File content size stored in chunked files
Repository Manifest (.cvmfspublished)
Every CernVM-FS repository contains a repository manifest file that serves as entry point into the repository’s catalog structure. The repository manifest is the first file accessed by the CernVM-FS client at mount time and therefore must be accessible via HTTP on the repository root URL. It is always called .cvmfspublished and contains fundamental repository metadata like the root catalog’s cryptographic hash and the repository revision number as a key-value list.
Internal Manifest Structure
Below is an example of a typical manifest file. Each line starts with a
capital letter specifying the metadata field, followed by the actual data
string. The list of meta information is ended by a separator line (--
followed by signature information further described here.
Please refer to table below for detailed information about each of the metadata fields.
Field |
Metadata Description |
Cryptographic hash of the repository’s current root catalog |
Size of the root file catalog in bytes |
“yes” if the catalog should be fetched under its |
MD5 hash of the repository’s root path |
Cryptographic hash of the signing certificate |
“yes” if the repository is garbage-collectable |
Cryptographic hash of the repository’s named tag history database |
Unix timestamp of this particular revision |
Time To Live (TTL) of the root catalog |
Revision number of this published revision |
The full name of the manifested repository |
Cryptographic hash of the repository JSON metadata |
Cryptographic hash of the reflog checksum |
currently unused (reserved for micro catalogs) |
Repository Signature
In order to provide authoritative information about a repository publisher, the repository manifest is signed by an X.509 certificate together with its private key.
Signing a Repository
It is important to note that it is sufficient to sign just the manifest file itself to gain a secure chain of the whole repository. The manifest refers to the cryptographic content hash of the root catalog which in turn recursively references all sub-catalogs with their cryptographic content hashes. Each catalog lists its files along with their cryptographic content hashes. This concept is called a merkle tree and eventually provides a single hash that depends on the complete content of the repository.
The top level hash used for the repository signature can be found in the
repository manifest right below the separator line (--
see above).
It is the cryptographic hash of the manifest’s metadata lines excluding
the separator line. Following the top level hash is the actual signature
produced by the X.509 certificate signing procedure in binary form.
Signature Validation
In order to validate repository manifest signatures, CernVM-FS uses a
white-list of valid publisher certificates. The white-list contains the
cryptographic fingerprints of known publisher certificates and a
timestamp. A white-list is valid for 30 days. It is signed by a private
RSA key, which we refer to as master key. The public RSA key that
corresponds to the master key is distributed with the
RPMs as well as with every instance of CernVM.
As crypto engine, CernVM-FS uses libcrypto from the OpenSSL project.
In addition to validating the white-list, CernVM-FS checks certificate
fingerprints against the local black-list /etc/cvmfs/blacklist
and the
blacklist in an optional “Config Repository”.
The blacklisted fingerprints have to be in the same format as the
fingerprints on the white-list. The black-list has precedence over the
Blacklisted fingerprints prevent clients from loading future repository publications by a corresponding compromised repository key, but they do not prevent mounting a repository revision that had previously been mounted on a client, because the catalog for that revision is already in the cache. However, the same blacklist files also support another format that actively blocks revisions associated with a compromised repository key from being mounted and even forces them to be unmounted if they are mounted. The format for that is a less-than sign followed by the repository name followed by a blank and a repository revision number:
This will prevent all revisions of a repository called less than the number NNN from being mounted or staying mounted. An effective protection against a compromised repository key will use both this format to prevent mounts and the fingerprint format to prevent accepting future untrustworthy publications signed by the compromised key.
Use of HTTP
The particular way of using the HTTP protocol has significant impact on the performance and usability of CernVM-FS. If possible, CernVM-FS tries to benefit from the HTTP/1.1 features keep-alive and cache-control. Internally, CernVM-FS uses the libcurl library.
The HTTP behavior affects a system with cold caches only. As soon as all necessary files are cached, there is only network traffic when a catalog TTL expires. The CernVM-FS download manager runs as a separate thread that handles download requests asynchronously in parallel. Concurrent download requests for the same URL are collapsed into a single request.
DoS Protection
A subtle denial of service attack (DoS) can occur when CernVM-FS is successfully able to download a file but fails to store it in the local cache. This situation escalates into a DoS when the application using CernVM-FS remains in an endless loop and tries to open a file over and over again. Such a situation is prevented by CernVM-FS by re-trying with an exponential backoff. The backoff is triggered by consecutive failures to cache a downloaded file within 10 seconds.
Although the HTTP protocol overhead is small in terms of data volume, in
high latency networks we suffer from the bare number of requests: Each
request-response cycle has a penalty of at least the network round trip
time. Using plain HTTP/1.0, this results in at least
\(3\cdot\text{round trip time}\) additional running time per file
download for TCP handshake, HTTP GET, and TCP connection finalization.
By including the Connection: Keep-Alive
header into HTTP requests,
we advise the HTTP server end to keep the underlying TCP connection
opened. This way, overhead ideally drops to just round trip time for a
single HTTP GET. The impact of the keep-alive feature is shown in
This feature, of course, somewhat sabotages a server-side load-balancing. However, exploiting the HTTP keep-alive feature does not affect scalability per se. The servers and proxies may safely close idle connections anytime, in particular if they run out of resources.
Cache Control
In a limited way, CernVM-FS advises intermediate web caches how to
handle its requests. Therefore, it uses the Pragma: no-cache
and the
Cache-Control: no-cache
headers in certain cases. These cache
control headers apply to both, forward proxies and reverse
proxies. This is not a guarantee that intermediate proxies fetch a fresh
original copy (though they should).
By including these headers, CernVM-FS tries to not fetch outdated cache
copies. Only in case CernVM-FS downloads a corrupted file from a proxy
server, it retries having the HTTP no-cache
header set. This way,
the corrupted file gets replaced in the proxy server by a fresh copy
from the backend.
Identification Header
CernVM-FS sends the User-Agent
header set to either of libcvmfs
depending on how it was compiled, plus the current VERSION
environment variable is set, that’s also included in the
Normally, the Stratum-1 servers directly respond to HTTP requests so
CernVM-FS has no need to support HTTP redirect response codes. However,
there are some high-bandwidth applications where HTTP redirects are used
to transfer requests to multiple data servers. To enable support for
redirects in the CernVM-FS client, set CVMFS_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS=yes
Name Resolving
Round-robin DNS entries for proxy servers are treated specially by
CernVM-FS. Multiple IP addresses for the same proxy name are
automatically transformed into multiple proxy servers within the same
load-balance group. So the usual rules for load-balancing and fail-over
apply to the different servers in a round-robin entry.
CernVM-FS resolves all the proxy servers at once (and in parallel) at
mount time. From that point on, proxy server names are resolved on
demand, when a download takes place and the TTL of the active proxy
expired. CernVM-FS resolves using /etc/host (resp. the file referenced
environment variable) or, if a host name is not
resolvable locally, it uses the c-ares resolver. Proxy servers given in
IP notation remain unchanged.
CernVM-FS uses the TTLs that come from DNS servers. However, there is a cutoff at 1 minute minimum TTL and 1 day maximum TTL. Locally resolved host names get a TTL of 1 minute. The host alias file is re-read with every attempt to resolve a name. Failed attempts to resolve a name remain cached for 1 minute, too. If a name has been successfully resolved previously, this result stays active until another successful attempt is done. If the DNS entries change for a host name, CernVM-FS adjust the corresponding load-balance group and picks a new server from the group at random.
The name resolving silently ignores errors in individual records. Only
if no valid IP address is returned at all it counts as an error. IPv4
addresses have precedence if available. If the CVMFS_IPV4_ONLY
environment variable is set, CernVM-FS does not try to resolve IPv6
The timeout for name resolving is hard-coded to 2 attempts with a
timeout of 3 seconds each. This is independent of the
settings. The effective
timeout can be a bit longer than 6 seconds because of a backoff.
The name server used by CernVM-FS is looked up only once on start. If
the name server changes during the lifetime of a CernVM-FS mount point,
this change needs to be manually advertised to CernVM-FS using
cvmfs_talk nameserver set
Disk Cache
Each running CernVM-FS instance requires a local cache directory. Data
are downloaded into a temporary files. Only at the very latest point
they are renamed into their content-addressable names atomically by
The hard disk cache is managed, CernVM-FS maintains cache size restrictions and replaces files according to the least recently used (LRU) strategy [Panagiotou06]. In order to keep track of files sizes and relative file access times, CernVM-FS sets up another SQLite database in the cache directory, the cache catalog. The cache catalog contains a single table; its structure is shown here:
Field |
Type |
Hash |
String (hex notation) |
Size |
Integer |
Access Sequence |
Integer |
Pinned |
Integer |
File type (chunk or file catalog) |
Integer |
CernVM-FS does not strictly enforce the cache limit. Instead, CernVM-FS works with two customizable soft limits, the cache quota and the cache threshold. When exceeding the cache quota, files are deleted until the overall cache size is less than or equal to the cache threshold. The cache threshold is currently hard-wired to half of the cache quota. The cache quota is for data files as well as file catalogs. Currently, loaded catalogs are pinned in the cache, they will not be deleted until unmount or until a new repository revision is applied. On unmount, pinned file catalogs are updated with the highest sequence number. As a pre-caution against a cache that is blocked by pinned catalogs, all catalogs except the root catalog are unpinned when the volume of pinned catalogs exceeds the overall cache volume.
The cache catalog can be re-constructed from scratch on mount. Re-constructing the cache catalog is necessary when the managed cache is used for the first time and every time when “unmanaged” changes occurred to the cache directory, when CernVM-FS was terminated unexpectedly.
In case of an exclusive cache, the cache manager runs as a separate thread of
the cvmfs2
process. This thread gets notified by the Fuse module whenever
a file is opened or inserted. Notification is done through a pipe. The shared
cache uses the very same code, except that the thread becomes a separate
process (see Figure below). This cache manager
process is not another binary but cvmfs2
forks to itself with special
arguments, indicating that it is supposed to run as a cache manager. The cache
manager does not need to be started as a service. The first CernVM-FS instance
that uses a shared cache will automatically spawn the cache manager process.
Subsequent CernVM-FS instances will connect to the pipe of this cache manager.
Once the last CernVM-FS instance that uses the shared cache is unmounted, the
communication pipe is left without any writers and the cache manager
automatically quits.
The CernVM-FS cache supports two classes of files with respect to the cache replacement strategy: normal files and volatile files. The sequence numbers of volatile files have bit 63 set. Hence, they are interpreted as negative numbers and have precedence over normal files when it comes to cache cleanup. On automatic rebuild the volatile property of entries in the cache database is lost.
NFS Maps
In normal mode, CernVM-FS issues inodes based on the row number of an entry in the file catalog. When exported via NFS, this scheme can result in inconsistencies because CernVM-FS does not control the cache lifetime of NFS clients. A once issued inode can be asked for anytime later by a client. To be able to reply to such client queries even after reloading catalogs or remounts of CernVM-FS, the CernVM-FS NFS maps implement a persistent store of the path names \(\mapsto\) inode mappings. Storing them on hard disk allows for control of the CernVM-FS memory consumption (currently \(\approx\) 45 MB extra) and ensures consistency between remounts of CernVM-FS. The performance penalty for doing so is small. CernVM-FS uses Google’s leveldb, a fast, local key value store. Reads and writes are only performed when metadata are looked up in SQLite, in which case the SQLite query supposedly dominates the running time.
A drawback of the NFS maps is that there is no easy way to account for
them by the cache quota. They sum up to some 150-200 Bytes per path name
that has been accessed. A recursive find
on /cvmfs/
with 50 million entries, for instance, would add up 8 GB in the cache
directory. This is mitigated by the fact that the NFS mode will be only
used on few servers that can be given large enough spare space on hard
The CernVM-FS Fuse module comprises a minimal loader process
(the cvmfs2
binary) and a shared library containing the actual
Fuse module (
). This structure makes
it possible to reload CernVM-FS code and parameters without unmounting the file
system. Loader and library do not share any symbols except for two global structs
and loader_exports
that are used to call each other’s
functions. The loader process opens the Fuse channel and implements stub
Fuse callbacks that redirect all calls to the CernVM-FS shared library.
Hotpatching is implemented as unloading and reloading of the shared
library, while the loader temporarily queues all file system calls
in-between. Among file system calls, the Fuse module has to keep very
little state. The kernel caches are drained out before reloading. Open
file handles are just file descriptors that are held open by the
process. Open directory listings are stored in a Google dense_hash that
is saved and restored.
File System Interface
CernVM-FS implements the following read-only file system call-backs.
On mount, the file catalog has to be loaded. First, the file catalog
manifest .cvmfspublished
is loaded. The manifest is only accepted
on successful validation of the signature. In order to validate the
signature, the certificate and the white-list are downloaded in addition
if not found in cache. If the download fails for whatever reason,
CernVM-FS tries to load a local file catalog copy. As long as all
requested files are in the disk cache as well, CernVM-FS continues to
operate even without network access (offline mode). If there is no
local copy of the manifest or the downloaded manifest and the cache copy
differ, CernVM-FS downloads a fresh copy of the file catalog.
getattr and lookup
Requests for file attributes are entirely served from the mounted catalogs, there is no network traffic involved. This function is called as prerequisite to other file system operations and therefore the most frequently called Fuse callback. In order to minimize relatively expensive SQLite queries, CernVM-FS uses a hash table to store negative and positive query results. The default size for this memory cache is determined according to benchmarks with LHC experiment software.
Additionally, the callback takes care of the catalog TTL. If the TTL is expired, the catalog is re-mounted on the fly. Note that a re-mount might possibly break running programs. We rely on careful repository publishers that produce more or less immutable directory trees, new repository versions just add files.
If a directory with a nested catalog is accessed for the first time, the respective catalog is mounted in addition to the already mounted catalogs. Loading nested catalogs is transparent to the user.
A symbolic link is served from the file catalog. As a special extension,
CernVM-FS detects environment variables in symlink strings written as
or $(VARIABLE:-/default/path)
. These variables are
expanded by CernVM-FS dynamically on access (in the context of the
process). This way, a single symlink can point to different
locations depending on the environment. This is helpful, for instance,
to dynamically select software package versions residing in different
A directory listing is served by a query on the file catalog. Although the “parent”-column is indexed (see Catalog table schema), this is a relatively slow function. We expect directory listing to happen rather seldom.
open / read
The open()
call has to provide a file descriptor for a given path
name. In CernVM-FS file requests are always served from the disk cache.
The Fuse file handle is a file descriptor valid in the context of the
CernVM-FS process. It points into the disk cache directory. Read
requests are translated into the pread()
system call.
CernVM-FS uses synthetic extended attributes to display additional repository information. In general, they can be displayed with a command like
attr -g <attributename> /cvmfs/<repository>
There are the following supported magic attributes:
Parameter |
Meaning |
Like |
Number of chunks of a regular file. |
Hashes and sizes of the chunks of a regular (large) file. |
Compression algorithm, for regular files only. Either “zlib” or “none”. |
Indicates if the current entry is using direct IO. Either 0 or 1. |
Shows the remaining lifetime of the mounted root file catalog in minutes. |
Indicates if a regular file is an external file or not. Either 0 or 1. |
Like |
Like |
Shows the fully qualified repository name of the mounted repository. |
Shows the cryptographic hash of a regular file as listed in the file catalog. |
Shows overall cache hitrate since mounting the repository. |
Shows the currently active HTTP server. |
Shows the ordered list of HTTP servers. |
Shows the highest possible inode with the current set of loaded catalogs. |
Shows the cryptographic hash of a regular file as stored in the local cache, if available. |
Shows system log messages for the repository. |
Shows the maximum number of file descriptors available to file system clients. |
Shows the number of cache cleanups in the last 24 hours. |
Shows the number of currently loaded nested catalogs. |
Shows the overall number of opened directories. |
Shows the overall number of downloaded files since mounting. |
Shows the total number of I/O errors encountered since mounting. |
Shows the overall number of |
Shows the process ID of the CernVM-FS Fuse process. |
Shows the currently active HTTP proxy. |
Shows all registered proxies for this repository. Also contains fallback proxies. If none are used it shows |
Shows all registered proxies used for accessing external data. If none are used it shows |
The loaded public RSA keys used for repository whitelist verification. |
Shows unresolved variant symbolic links; only accessible from the root attribute namespace (use attr -Rg rawlink). |
Shows the aggregate counters of the repository contents (number of files etc.) |
Shows the repository meta info file, if available |
Shows the file catalog revision of the mounted root catalog, an auto-increment counter increased on every repository publish. |
Shows the cryptographic hash of the root file catalog. |
Shows the overall amount of downloaded kilobytes. |
Shows the average download speed. |
The configured repository tag. |
Shows the timeout for proxied connections in seconds. |
Shows the timestamp when the last IO error occured. |
Shows the timeout for direct connections in seconds. |
Shows the time passed since mounting in minutes. |
Shows the number of currently open directories. |
Shows the number of file descriptors currently issued to file system clients. |
Shows the version of the loaded CernVM-FS binary. |
Extended attributes can be queried using the attr
command. For
instance, attr -g hash /cvmfs/
returns the
cryptographic hash of the file at hand. The extended attributes are used
by the cvmfs_config stat
command in order to show a current overview
of health and performance numbers.
Multipage Extended Attributes
Some extended attributes can be too large to be presented in a single request. For this additional commands and output modes are available.
The output mode can either be machine-readable (~
) or human-readable (@
). The
machine-readable output is designed to return output that can be easily parsed by a
machine and errors are returned as signals. The human-readable output includes a more
descriptive header, including how many pages are available and instructions how to access
them. Errors are returned as plaintext with possible instructions how to resolve the issue.
Furthermore, <attr>~?
and <attr>@?
allow retrieving additional information about the attribute.
At the moment, this consist only of the number of pages the attribute has.
Different pages of the attribute can be accessed with <attr>~<page num>
and <attr>@<page num>
Pages start at 0.
The commands also work with single page attributes (page number is 0).
Parameter |
Meaning |
Human-readable information about the attribute. |
Machine-readable (CSV format) information about the attribute. |
Output of the attribute with a descriptive header. Page numbers are starting from 0. Errors are returned as plaintext. |
Output of the attribute. Page numbers are starting from 0. Errors are returned as signals. |
Restricting Access to Extended Attributes
Access to extended attributes can be restricted in the client config to
) and users with a specific (main) gid
listed by
. Extended attributes to which
this should apply are listed in CVMFS_XATTR_PROTECTED_XATTRS
Note that those attributes must be listed in their full name, e.g. user.fqrn
or xfsroot.rawlink
. Most of the extended attributes
will have the prefix user.
. If uncertain, they can be looked up in the source
code of cvmfs/
Example: Only users with gid=788
(and root
) can access the repository name
Repository Publishing
Repositories are not immutable, periodically they get updated. This might be installation of a new release or a patch for an existing release. But, of course, each time only a small portion of the repository is touched. To prevent re-processing the entire repository on every update, we create a read-write file system interface to a CernVM-FS repository where all changes are written into a distinct scratch area.
Read-write Interface using a Union File System
Union file systems combine several directories into one virtual file system that provides the view of merging these directories. These underlying directories are often called branches. Branches are ordered; in the case of operations on paths that exist in multiple branches, the branch selection is well-defined. By stacking a read-write branch on top of a read-only branch, union file systems can provide the illusion of a read-write file system for a read-only file system. All changes are in fact written to the read-write branch.
Preserving POSIX semantics in union file systems is non-trivial; the
first fully functional implementation has been presented by Wright et
al. [Wright04]. By now, union file systems are well established for
“Live CD” builders, which use a RAM disk overlay on top of the read-only
system partition in order to provide the illusion of a fully
read-writable system. CernVM-FS supports only the OverlayFS union file systems.
It used to support aufs
, but no active support is provided for it anymore.
Union file systems can be used to track changes on CernVM-FS repositories (Figure below). In this case, the read-only file system interface of CernVM-FS is used in conjunction with a writable scratch area for changes.
A union file system combines a CernVM-FS read-only mount point and a writable scratch area. It provides the illusion of a writable CernVM-FS mount point, tracking changes on the scratch area.
Based on the read-write interface to CernVM-FS, we create a feed-back loop that represents the addition of new software releases to a CernVM-FS repository. A repository in base revision \(r\) is mounted in read-write mode on the publisher’s end. Changes are written to the scratch area and, once published, are re-mounted as repository revision \(r+1\). In this way, CernVM-FS provides snapshots. In case of errors, one can safely resume from a previously committed revision.
- 1
As a rule of thumb, file catalogs (when compressed) are reasonably small.