Release Notes for CernVM-FS 2.4.4

CernVM-FS 2.4.4 is a patch release. It contains an important fix for a bug with certain server configurations that was introduced with version 2.4.1. Linux clients do not necessarily need to upgrade.

As with previous releases, upgrading clients should be seamless just by installing the new package from the repository. As usual, we recommend to update only a few worker nodes first and gradually ramp up once the new version proves to work correctly. Please take special care when upgrading a cvmfs client in NFS mode.

For Stratum 1 servers, there should be no running snapshots during the upgrade. For Release Manager Machines, all transactions must be closed before upgrading.

Note for upgrades from versions prior to 2.4.3: please also see the specific instructions in the release notes for version 2.4.3 and earlier.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Server: fix registration of chunk hashes without bulk hash and non-SHA1 hash algorithm (CVM-1446)
  • Server: have geoapi try $REMOTE_ADDR if $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR has no geoinfo (CVM-1442)
  • Client: react to a change of DNS server on macOS (CVM-496)

Release Notes for CernVM-FS 2.4.3

CernVM-FS 2.4.3 is a patch release. It contains bugfixes and adjustments for the client. Release manager machines and stratum 1 servers do not necessarily need to upgrade.

As with previous releases, upgrading clients should be seamless just by installing the new package from the repository. As usual, we recommend to update only a few worker nodes first and gradually ramp up once the new version proves to work correctly. Please take special care when upgrading a cvmfs client in NFS mode.

For Stratum 1 servers, there should be no running snapshots during the upgrade. For Release Manager Machines, all transactions must be closed before upgrading.

Note for upgrades from versions prior to 2.4.2: please also see the specific instructions in the release notes for version 2.4.2 and earlier.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Client: fix potential corruption of /etc/mtab during client crash handling (CVM-1431)
  • Client: fix silent drop of mount points on top of CernVM-FS volumes, introduced with 2.4.1 (CVM-1423)
  • Client: workaround for alien cache located on BeeGFS (CVM-1403)
  • Client: fix throughput reporting in cvmfs_config stat (CVM-1432)
  • Client: fix locating cached manifest for some tiered cache manager configurations (CVM-1436)
  • Client: lower requirement on selinux-policy version on EL7 (CVM-1422)
  • Client: enable multiple cvmfs-config* packages to be installable on Debian (CVM-1420)

Release Notes for CernVM-FS 2.4.2

CernVM-FS 2.4.2 is a patch release. It contains bugfixes and adjustments for stratum 0 and stratum 1 operations as well as for client-side cache plugins. Clients not using the new cache plugins do not necessarily need to upgrade.

As with previous releases, upgrading clients should be seamless just by installing the new package from the repository. As usual, we recommend to update only a few worker nodes first and gradually ramp up once the new version proves to work correctly. Please take special care when upgrading a cvmfs client in NFS mode.

For Stratum 1 servers, there should be no running snapshots during the upgrade. Note: if the configuration of the Stratum 1 server is handled by a configuration management system (Puppet, Chef, …), please see Section Manual Migration from 2.4.1 Stratum 1 Web Servers.

For Release Manager Machines, all transactions must be closed before upgrading.

Note for upgrades from versions prior to 2.4.1: please also see the specific instructions in the release notes for version 2.4.1 and earlier.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Client: fix use of cached file catalog in cache plugins
  • Client: add cvmcache_get_session() to cache plugin API (CVM-1368)
  • Client: improve logging for cache plugins
  • Server: skip external files during garbage collection (CVM-1396)
  • Server: prevent diff viewer from recursing into hidden directories (CVM-1384)
  • Server: fix variant symlink display on release manager machine (CVM-1383)
  • Server: fix off-by-one error for chunk size when grafting files
  • Server: cache GeoAPI replies for 5 minutes, improve WSGI config (CVM-1349)
  • Server: enforce explicit catalog TTL setting on publish (CVM-1388)
  • Server: prevent overlayfs repositories on XFS ftype=0 spool directories (CVM-1385)
  • Server: enforce numeric value when manually setting revision number (CVM-1372)

Manual Migration from 2.4.1 Stratum 1 Web Servers

If you are not using cvmfs_server migrate to automatically upgrade, web servers serving Stratum 1 repositories can be migrated from version 2.4.1 with the following steps:

  1. Ensure that there are is no active replication or garbage collection process before updating the server software and during the repository layout migration.
  2. Install the cvmfs-server 2.4.2 package.

The Apache configuration for stratum 1 repositories should be adjusted as follows:

  1. Remove the WSGI configuration, the Alias /cvmfs/$name/api, and the <Directory /var/www/wsgi-scripts> directives from the repository-specific configuration
  2. Add a new Apache configuration file named cvmfs.+webapi.conf (sic, to make sure this file is alphabetically before the other configuration files) with the following content
AliasMatch ^/cvmfs/([^/]+)/api/(.*)\$ /var/www/wsgi-scripts/cvmfs-server/cvmfs-api.wsgi/\$1/\$2
WSGIDaemonProcess cvmfsapi threads=64 display-name=%{GROUP} \
<Directory /var/www/wsgi-scripts/cvmfs-server>
  WSGIProcessGroup cvmfsapi
  WSGIApplicationGroup cvmfsapi
  Options ExecCGI
  SetHandler wsgi-script
  # On Apache 2.4: replace the next two lines by
  # Require all granted
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi

As a last step, update /etc/cvmfs/repositories.d/<REPOSITORY>/server.conf and set CVMFS_CREATOR_VERSION=138

Release Notes for CernVM-FS 2.4.1

CernVM-FS 2.4 is a feature release that comes with performance improvements, new functionality, and bugfixes. We would like to thank Brian Bockelman (U. Nebraska), Dave Dykstra (FNAL), and Tom Downes (U. Wisconsin) for their contributions to this release!

There are several substantial improvements in this release, which are further described below.

  • A plugin interface for the client cache together with an in-memory plugin
  • A built-in tiered cache manager
  • Instant access to named snapshots through the hidden .cvmfs/snapshots directory
  • Support for branching and diffing in CernVM-FS’ internal versioning
  • Faster propagation of repository updates
  • Support for Yubikey 4 & NEO for signing CernVM-FS repository
  • Improved apt repository structure for Debian/Ubuntu packages
  • New platforms: Fedora 25 and 26 on x86_64, Debian 8 and 9, gcc >= 6, OpenSSL >= 1.1

As with previous releases, upgrading should be seamless just by installing the new package from the repository. As usual, we recommend to update only a few worker nodes first and gradually ramp up once the new version proves to work correctly. Please take special care when upgrading a client in NFS mode.

For Stratum 0 servers, all transactions must be closed before upgrading. After the software upgrade, the directory layout on the release manager needs to be adjusted by a call to cvmfs_server migrate for each repository.

For Stratum 1 server, there should be no running snapshots during the upgrade.

Note: if the configuration of the Stratum 0/1 server is handled by a configuration management system (Puppet, Chef, …), please see Section Manual Migration from 2.3.5 Release Manager Machines and Stratum 0/1 Web Servers.

Note: on Debian/Ubuntu platforms, please read Section New apt Repositories regarding hotpatching the client.

Cache Plugins

Every CernVM-FS client is configured to use a directory as local cache of data and meta-data. Instead of this directory, the task of maintaining a local cache can optionally be performed by an external process, a “CernVM-FS Cache Plugin” (CVM-1054). This allows for special-purpose cache managers in non-standard deployments, for instance on supercomputers. Cache plugins can be developed and deployed independently from the CernVM-FS client itself. CernVM-FS 2.4 provides one such plugin, an in-memory cache that uses a fixed amount of RAM as a cache (CVM-1044).

See Section Advanced Cache Configuration for configuration and use of cache plugins and Section Cache Plugins for an introduction on how to write cache plugins.

Tiered Cache

Together with support for cache plugins, there is now support for a multi-tier client cache (CVM-1050, CVM-1183). A tiered cache can combine two other caches and organize them as an upper cache layer and a lower cache layer. Data is first searched for in the upper layer. Upon an upper layer cache miss, data is copied from the lower layer into the upper layer. Tiered caches can be used to combine a small cache on fast storage (e.g. SSD, memory) with a large cache on slower storage (e.g. HDD, network drive).

See Section Advanced Cache Configuration for configuration and use of a tiered cache.

Instant Access to Named Snapshots

A new server parameter, CVMFS_VIRTUAL_DIR=[true,false], can be used to control the existance of the hidden top-level directory .cvmfs/snapshots in a repository (CVM-1062). If enabled, the file system state referred to by the named tags can be browsed through .cvmfs/snapshots/$tagname. This feature requires a CernVM-FS 2.4 client, older clients show an empty .cvmfs/snapshots directory.

See Section Instant Access to Named Snapshots for further information.


The new cvmfs_server checkout command can be used to branch off a certain named snapshot in order to publish a fix for a previous repository state (CVM-1197). This feature makes most sense for repositories that use the instant snapshot access (see above).

See Section Branching for further information.

Snapshot Diffs

The new cvmfs_server diff command can be used to show the difference set between any two snapshots (CVM-1170). See Section Named Snapshot Diffs for further information.

Faster Propagation of Repository Updates

Several improvements have been made to reduce the time to propagate changes from the release manager machine to clients.

  • The default repository time-to-live is reduced from 15 minutes to 4 minutes (CVM-1336). Unless the CVMFS_REPOSITORY_TTL parameter is explicitly set, the first cvmfs_server publish command with version 2.4 reduces the time-to-live value. Thus clients are instructed to check every 4 minutes for repository updates.
  • On RHEL 7 and newer, clients can actively evict old entries from kernel buffers (CVM-1041). When clients see a new repository revision, they hence get rid of a 60 seconds delay to passively wait for local kernel buffers to expire.
  • The new server parameter CVMFS_GENERATE_LEGACY_BULK_CHUNKS=no can be used to omit creation of unchunked objects for large files (CVM-640). This is most interesting for repositories hosting many files that are larger than 4MB. For those repositories, the speed of the publication process is improved by more than a factor of two. This setting requires clients newer than version 2.1.7. Note for garbage collected repositories: Besides the release manager machine, all stratum 1s need to run version 2.4, too. Otherwise they will delete the chunks of files with no bulk hash during garbage collection.

Yubikey Support

This release supports maintaining the repository master key on a Yubikey smart card device (CVM-1259). If the masterkey is stored on such devices, it cannot be stolen even if the computer hosting the repositories is compromised.

See Section Master keys for further information.

New apt Repositories

Starting with this release, the apt repositories that provide deb packages for Ubuntu and Debian are restructured. So far, all Debian based platforms got packages built for Ubuntu 12.04. These packages are still used if the platform is not recognized by the cvmfs-release package. For Debian stable platforms and Ubuntu LTS releases, packages built for the specific platform are used instead.

For Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian 8, the CernVM-FS apt repositories contain a fixed version of the autofs package which is necessary to support the CernVM-FS config repository.

Note on client hotpatching: packages from the new apt repository cannot seamlessly upgrade previous cvmfs clients. In order to upgrade the client, please

  1. Run cvmfs_config umount to unmount all active repositories
  2. Upgrade to the cvmfs-release 2.X package and run apt-get update
  3. Update the cvmfs client package.

This is a one-time migration. The next CernVM-FS release will again upgrade seamlessly.

Bug Fixes

  • Client: fix small memory leak during remount of root catalog
  • Client: fix handling of file:// url in CVMFS_SERVER_URL
  • Client: fix cvmfs_config reload under root environment with dependencies into /cvmfs (CVM-1352)
  • Client: fix mount helper for very long lines in /etc/group (CVM-1304)
  • Client: fix mount helper if repository name resolves to local path (CVM-1106)
  • Client: fix shell errors when required config repo cannot be mounted (CVM-1300)
  • Client / macOS: fix cache size reporting in ‘df’ (CVM-1286)
  • Client / macOS: fix cvmfs_config reload
  • Client / X509 Auth: Use default X509_CERT_DIR also if it is empty string (CVM-1083)
  • Server: fix potential deadlock during catalog commit phase (CVM-1360)
  • Server: do not abort resiging on negative repository health check (CVM-1358)
  • Server: resolve SElinux conflict on port 8000 with soundd on RHEL 7 (CVM-1308)
  • Server / S3: fix authentication timeouts for large transactions on Ceph (CVM-1339)

Other Improvements

  • Client: allow for config repository on Ubuntu >= 16.04, Debian >= 8 (CVM-771)
  • Client: cache proxy settings in workspace directory (CVM-1156)
  • Client: improve stratum 1 geo sorting with active fallback proxy (CVM-769)
  • Client: add support for CVMFS_OOM_SCORE_ADJ to adjust the out-of-memory priority (CVM-1092)
  • Client: add support for revoking repository revisions up to a threshold in the blacklist (CVM-992)
  • Client: perform fail-over when whitelist or manifest is corrupted (CVM-837)
  • Client: add cvmfs_talk remount sync command
  • Cient: use cache for fetching history database on mount
  • Client: show all CVMFS_... parameters in cvmfs_config showconfig (CVM-1180)
  • Client: add cvmfs_config showconfig -s option to show only non-empty parameters
  • Client: add ncleanup24 xattr and Nagios check for cleanup rate (CVM-1097)
  • Client / macOS: use built-in LibreSSL on macOS (CVM-1112)
  • Server: add cvmfs_server gc -a option to garbage collect all applicable repositories (CVM-1095)
  • Server: make cvmfs_server catalog-chown command public (CVM-1077)
  • Server: add cvmfs_server resign -w for stand-alone whitelist resigning (CVM-1265)
  • Server: add cvmfs_server resign -p command to facilitate repository key rotation (CVM-1140)
  • Server: add cvmfs_server resign -d option to change whitelist expiration duration (CVM-1279)
  • Server: add cvmfs_server check -r command to repair reflog checksum (CVM-1240)
  • Server: allow ext3 as spool file system on RHEL 7.3 / overlayfs (CVM-1186)
  • Server: Optionally ignore special files with a warning on publish with CVMFS_IGNORE_SPECIAL_FILES (CVM-1106)
  • Server: increase maximum repostory name from ~30 chars to 60 chars (CVM-1173)
  • Server: trim trailing whitespaces from .cvmfsdirtab entries (CVM-1061)
  • Server / rsync: use rsync’s “perishable” feature instead of list-catalogs (CVM-1199)
  • Server: allow for Apache 2.4 style access controls on repositories (CVM-1255)
  • Server: add support for CVMFS_{ROOT|NESTED}_KCATALOG_LIMIT, CVMFS_FILE_MBYTE_LIMIT, CVMFS_ENFORCE_LIMITS to set publish limits (CVM-1094, CVM-1123)
  • Server: improve error reporting (CVM-1241, CVM-1246, CVM-1267,)

Manual Migration from 2.3.5 Release Manager Machines and Stratum 0/1 Web Servers

If you do not want to use cvmfs_server migrate to automatically upgrade, release manager machines that maintain Stratum 0 repositories as well as web servers serving stratum 0/1 repositories can be migrated from version 2.3.5 with the following steps:

  1. Ensure that there are no open transactions and no active replication or garbage collection processes before updating the server software and during the repository layout migration.
  2. Install the cvmfs-server 2.4 package.

The Apache configuration on the release manager machine (resp. stratum 0) and on stratum 1 repositories, as well as the configuration for the meta-data area under /cvmfs/info, should be adjusted as follows:

  1. Change AllowOverride Limit to AllowOverride Limit AuthConfig
  2. Reduce the cache expiry for files of type application/x-cvmfs and application/json from 2 minutes to 61 seconds
  3. Add to the <Directory> directive for the repository
<FilesMatch "^[^.]*$">
  ForceType application/octet-stream

Reload the Apache service and perform the following steps for all repositories:

  1. Only on release manager machines: remove the CVMFS_CATALOG_ENTRY_WARN_THRESHOLD parameter. If it was set to a value other than 500000, set CVMFS_ROOT_KCATALOG_LIMIT=500 and CVMFS_NESTED_KCATALOG_LIMIT=500. Consider setting a lower limit for CVMFS_ROOT_KCATALOG_LIMIT.
  2. Update /etc/cvmfs/repositories.d/<REPOSITORY>/server.conf and set CVMFS_CREATOR_VERSION=137

On release manager machines, in agreement with the repository owner it’s recommended to make a test publish

cvmfs_server transaction <REPOSITORY>
cvmfs_server publish <REPOSITORY>

before resuming normal operation.